Czech Pilsner

Possibly the world’s most common beer style, true Czech Pilsners have more flavor than the vast majority of their imitators. This crisp, pale lager has the distinct spicy aroma of Saaz hops with a clean malt backing. To purchase this kit, click here.


Original Gravity 1.055
Final Gravity 1.017
Alcohol Content 4.9%


6 lb. Muntons Extra Light Dried Malt Extract
½ lb. Dingemans Carapils Malt 7.7° L

2 oz. Czech Saaz Pellets (Bittering)
1 oz. Czech Saaz Pellets (Flavoring)
1 oz. Czech Saaz Pellets (Finishing)

Wyeast # 2112 XL California Lager Yeast



A few hours before you begin to brew, prepare your liquid yeast according to the package instructions. We assume that you are familiar with basic homebrewing techniques, so these procedures are abbreviated.

1. Place the cracked grains in a muslin bag and add them to your brew kettle along with 1½ gallons of cold water. Heat slowly.

2. Steep the grains in hot water (about 145º – 160ºF) to extract flavor and color – do not allow to boil. After about 30 minutes, remove the grain bags and then bring the water to a boil.

3. Remove the pot from the heat and one of the bags of dried malt extract. Do not add the other bag at this time. Keep the kettle off the burner and stir until the malt extract is completely dissolved.

4. Put the pot back on the burner and bring to a boil. Once boiling, place bittering hops into muslin bags (no more than 1 oz. per bag), add to the pot, and set your timer to boil for 1 hour. Keep an eye on the pot to avoid boil-overs.

5. After 40 minutes of boiling, remove the pot from the heat (you do not have to stop the timer) and add the remaining bag of dried malt extract. Keep the kettle off the burner and stir until the extract is completely dissolved. Bring back to a boil.

6. After 45 minutes, add the flavoring hops (in a muslin bag). Add ½ teaspoon of Irish moss (or 1 Whirlfloc tablet) to help clarify your beer (optional).

7. After 58 minutes of boiling, add the finishing hops (in a muslin bag) and boil for 2 more minutes.

8. After 60 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat. Put a lid on your pot and cool it in an ice bath (use your sink) for about 30 minutes. Remove the hop bags from the kettle.

9. Pour 2 gallons of cold water into your sanitized fermenter, add the cooled wort (the stuff in your pot), and top up with additional water to 5 gallons. Aerate the wort with vigorous stirring, rocking the fermenter, etc.

10. Make sure the wort is below 75°F before adding yeast. Take a hydrometer reading if desired. Add the yeast.

11. Store the fermenter where the temperature will be a fairly constant 60° – 65°F. Active fermentation may take only a few days, or it can last up to 2 weeks. A hydrometer reading is a great way to determine when the fermentation is done. Keep the beer in the primary fermenter for two weeks until active fermentation is done (no signs of active fermentation for the last 2 to 3 days).

12. This beer may benefit from a secondary fermentation. This extended aging at cool temperatures should be done in a glass carboy for an additional 2 to 3 weeks before bottling.

13. When ready to bottle, siphon beer into your sanitized bottling bucket, leaving sediment behind. Boil the priming sugar in 1-2 cups of water for a few minutes, gently stir into the beer, and bottle as usual.

Education, Homebrew Recipes

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