Chevallier Malt, Crisp, Recipe Grains


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Milled *

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Recipe Name


A heritage barley from Norfolk, England variety combined with a traditional malting method and modern quality control.

A mainstay of English barley production in the 19th century and an ancestor of many modern varieties, Chevallier has made a comeback thanks to increased interest in heritage malts.

Crisp Chevallier is characterized by warm, cracker and biscuit aroma with a full flavor. Compared to many other modern barleys its aroma and flavor are quite pronounced. Suitable for any malt-forward ale, or where increased malt character is needed to balance a high hop load.

Wort Color: 2.5 – 4.0 °Lovibond
Protein: 8.8 – 9.7% max.
Moisture: 3.6% max.
Extract (dry): 79.0%
Diastatic Power: 50° Lintner
Usage: 100% max.

These grains can be weighed to your specifications. Crush is optional, but include in the price.

Additional information

Weight 1.10 lbs
Dimensions 30 × 17 × 8 in

SKU mcche