FAQ: Barrel Brew Club Championship

Here are some questions we’ve received about the event. If you have any to add, please email us at info@keystonehomebrew.com. For general info about the event click here.

How many clubs will be brewing?

We expect between 10 and 12 clubs to be brewing for this year’s event, but the sky’s the limit!

Are the barrels fresh when you get them?

Yes! We are offering freshly emptied 15 gallon Dad’s Hat Rye Whiskey barrels (which clubs may keep, courtesy of Dad’s Hat) for 2024. Each club gets one barrel for free, and may purchase additional barrels (of the same size/type).

What if it rains?

Brewing will take place on the property of our new location in Souderton. We recommend that you arrange your own protection from the elements.

When can we start setting up?

We’ll have someone at the store by 8:00am to ensure you have access to water, electricity, bathroom, last minute supplies from the store, etc.

Do we need to use our barrel for primary fermentation, or can we ferment in a separate vessel and then transfer into the barrel for aging?

We have often transferred wort directly into barrels for a one-month primary fermentation, with favorable results. Your club is more than welcome to bring one or more separate primary fermenters, and to transfer into the barrel at your discretion.

How will the beer be stored?

You will take the beer with you so you can control the fermentation and storage conditions.

Is there any limit to how long the beer can be stored in the barrels?

No – except it will need to be packaged in time for the judging in April 2025.

What is the protocol after the barrel aging is complete? Is the club responsible for emptying the barrel and bringing the beer to the judging event?

Yes…your club will determine how long you want your beer to age in the barrel, and is responsible for bringing or delivering your beer to the judging event in April of next year.

How much beer do we need to submit to Keystone Homebrew Supply for the judging Event?

5 gallons.

Do you have any data on your water source?

Water will be available from our well. Here is the summary analyis:

pH = 7.0
Total Hardness = 95ppm
Calcium = 17.7ppm
Magnesium = 12ppm
Total Alkalinity = 60ppm (as CaCO3)
Sulfate = 6ppm
Chlorine = 0ppm

Do we need to buy our Ingredients for the beer from Keystone Homebrew Supply?

This event is a significant undertaking for Keystone Homebrew Supply. We are supplying barrels for all of the participating clubs to use and we will be dedicating a lot of resources to prepare for and manage the event – not to mention a $500 prize! We would appreciate it if you would purchase your supplies from us to the extent that you can, but it is not a strict requirement.

Will Keystone be able to grind grains for all of the clubs?

Sure – just submit your order at least 2 days in advance. We can either mill your grains just before the event, so it’s ready for you that morning, or if you would prefer to have it in advance we can have it ready for pick-up on any other day that you choose.

Get all the details about the Keystone Barrel Brew Club Championship here.

Annual Keystone Cup, Beer Brewing, Events